Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fall is in the air!

 Recently I have found some fun activities for the kids to do for Halloween. Our first project was making a witch. She is now hanging out on our back door. 
 This year at Preschool they recommended that we only bring store bought snacks and that they remain fairly healthy. I was kind of bummed because I found all of these fun ideas for snacks but they would have to be homemade. Just recently did I find this idea and I thought the kids in preschool would enjoy it! 
Today was a sick day for Tyler and I. I knew the kids were going to get sick of the being inside so I found some fun Halloween crafts to do with them. We made bats out of toilet paper rolls and pumpkins. I think overall they had a pretty good day being stuck inside. 

New addition in our home

Recently my sister found these cabinets at a garage sale and we decided to turn them into a backpack rack for our kids.(Saw it on Pinterest.) I think they turned out great! I love having it in the laundry room where the kids leave to go to school. They can just grab their backpacks or coats and head to school. 

The Tooth Fairy Came!

 It's been a while since I have blogged. It has been a busy lately. On September 15th I got a call at work from Tyler and the kids telling me that the tooth fairy would be coming to our house tonight. Tyler tied floss to her tooth and pulled it out! I couldn't believe it until I heard why she let him! He told Brooklyn that if she let him pull out her tooth that she didn't have to ride Tower of Terror when we go to Disneyland! I guess she REALLY didn't want to ride that ride! 
The tooth fairy gave Brooklyn a sparkly ten dollar bill. I guess the tooth fairy felt bad that the tooth may have not been completely ready to be pulled yet! :) She is still holding onto that sparkly ten to spend at Disneyland. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

What Brookie learned today

Today Brooklyn came home so excited to show me what she learned. I was so proud of her for being able to remember what she was taught! Here is the video I took of her telling me what she learned. :)  

Friday, September 12, 2014

Picture day

Wednesday was picture day for Brooklyn. Since both kids looked so cute for school I had to get some pictures. Since they turned out so darn cute...I had to share them with you all!
 I hope her pictures turn out as good as these. She just keeps getting cuter. I love this little girl. 
My favorite picture of my kids together. I am so blessed to be their mom!  

First day of Preschool

 This week was Trace's first day of Preschool. He was pretty excited that it was finally his turn to go to school. 

 He goes M/W/F 9-11:30. It is going to be weird to have two and half hours to myself on those days. Good time to do homework and clean the house I guess!
 After school I asked Trace how his day was and if he made any new friends. He told me "Well there is one boy... I was playing with a toy.. and he kind of took it." Haha I didn't know if he was trying to tell me that boy was his friend now or if he didn't make any friends. I am just glad he wants to go back this week. I am proud of our little guy and love watching him grow. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Back To School Day

 This week Trace and I went to back to school day at his preschool. We got a letter a couple weeks ago about his school getting remodeled. When we got there they gave us a scavenger hunt to go explore the new school. I love his newly remodeled school.
 They have a room for reading time.
 A Room to learn and do their assignments.
Then they also have a play/snack room which is kind of divided into two. It is honestly so cute and Trace was so excited to see it. He can't wait to start! They gave us a list of his classmates and I was so glad to see that there were five other boys in his class! Last year there were only two others. He really needs some boys to play with. He is surrounded by girls in our neighborhood. His first day is Monday and of course I will be posting about it! :)